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The 5 money-making skills that will change your life

I mentioned in my post, 4 mindsets of successful money-making people, that there is always an opportunity out there. For those in their 20s, I said, they should take advantage of the time to learn skills that would help them excel in their future. Here are 5 skills to get started on today…


One of the best skills to have because of the transition of everything to the internet. A lot of attention is directed toward digital products and many products are code-based like website themes/templates, web design, apps, and many more.
A lot of people shy away from learning how to code because they think it is hard. What people might not know though is that having knowledge of the basics is pretty much enough to start making money coding.
So how to start learning how to code?
One of the best ways to learn is to use it has step-by-step tutorials with excellent examples to mess around with. It is very clear and user-friendly. Start today by checking out W3Schools to gain the potential to make more money!


The skill of creating a sale. A lot of businesses out there have great products to sell but they lack the ability to catch people’s attention. Without a customer list or a lot of followers, it is hard to get a product seen and sold. This is where marketing comes in. It starts with how the product appears, for example, does the product packaging look professional? Afterward, is to find ways to start getting the product noticed. This could be, for example, by reaching out to influencers and creating a sponsorship deal, or initiating an email list to grow a following. Another way could be by creating ad campaigns. These skills can help make you more money with your own business or make some extra money by selling your services to clients. Here is a great starting point if you want to learn marketing.


One of the main reasons behind successful marketing is design. A great design is what makes a product stand out and catch a customer’s attention. With the skill of design, you can start, for example, making digital products like a wall design for a newborn’s room. People will buy it and print it out. Also, you could design websites for clients. There are 12 principles of design contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity. You don’t necessarily have to use all of them in every design, for example, a YouTube thumbnail might only need contrast. Contrast is so the main detail stands out.
A great way to learn design is by applying these principles. Practice makes perfect. Here is a great resource to learn design.

Video editing

Video editing is huge! Around 80% of content consumed every day is through video. Most video producers will outsource their video editing because it saves them a lot of time to focus on what’s important. Learning the skill of video editing will open the opportunity for lots of clients that need your service. For example, take someone’s video on YouTube make some edits, and send it to them. See if they will accept you as an editor. It doesn’t take you showing a resume or previous work because you did your work on their video and if they like it they will hire you! Video editing is an important skill whether it is for your own videos or to sell your services to clients.
Here is a video to get started!


Everything is moving to the internet, and the need for safety has obviously increased as well. This is probably one of the most important skills in 2023 and going forward. Knowledge of cybersecurity can help you make educated decisions for your online experience.
Also, there is a high demand in the job market for Cybersecurity professionals. If you are interested in pursuing a degree in Cybersecurity I would recommend UMGC. Get your degree in Cybersecurity at UMGC completely online!
If you are only looking to gain knowledge in the basics of Cybersecurity here is a wonderful series on YouTube to start with. Either way, Cybersecurity is a huge opportunity to make more money safely! 😉


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So long…

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