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7 Best tips to achieve success in your 20s

A lot of people will tell you that your 20s are the most critical years in your life.  It is because of the abundance of time and energy.  Your 20s are the foundation you build for the rest of your life.

Here are the top 7 things to start doing in your 20s today…

Try your limits

Work as many jobs as you can.  See if you are able to take on two or three jobs.  You never know what you can handle until you try!

take as many credits in college.  I know someone who took 22 credits in one semester.  He had to talk to the dean first, but he did it.

change your career.  Risk it if you are not comfortable with your current career and pick a new one.  Don’t let your culture or younger self limit your abilities.  Like I said the only way to really know if you can or can’t is to actually do it!

Knowing your limits and maximum abilities will give you the power of confidence.  You will be able to make confident choices because you know yourself better. 

Start by checking out my video on the top 4 successful mindsets

Don’t waste time

You have time and energy in your 20s.  Take advantage of the time you have by doing as much as you can to build your future.  For example, instead of spending the summer off during college, take a couple more courses and speed up your graduation.  The harder you work now the easier it will be later. 

Why?  Because when you don’t build your strength in the basics, when it comes to advanced levels in life you will be tired of trying to get your basics straight. 

It’s like a soccer player, they struggle when they are young and build a solid foundation in the lower divisions so that when it comes time for the professional level they are ready.  And most importantly, if they were to be put back down into the lower divisions, they will find it a piece of cake 🎂. 

So, don’t waste time in your 20s and work hard so you can enjoy it later.  Start by checking out my post on time management tips

Create a life plan or vision

Visualize where you want to be.  Create a vision for what you want in your future.  Where do you want to live and how?  For example, I want to have a farm 🚜 and raise all kinds of animals like goats 🐐, cows 🐄, chickens 🐔, and bees 🐝.  I want a huge piece of land and a fenced yard where I can sleep outside.  That’s my vision for where I want to be in the future.  So, what is yours? 

You need the vision to empower you along the way.  For my vision, I don’t have a specific way to get there so if I fail at something all I do is get up and try something else.  I always know that no matter what or how I am still on my way toward my vision.

Develop good habits

Get rid of your bad habits.  The best time to start building good habits is in your 20s. Start strengthening your mental abilities and awareness.  Awareness gives you power and control over your behavior. 

So, for example, you don’t want to get bad grades anymore.  Start telling yourself self that you don’t want to get bad grades more often.  Ever heard the phrase your mind trusts whatever you tell it?  Start giving your mind the right instructions from now on.  Start now by reading my post on changing your bad habits

Calm down

Stop rushing and thinking it is too late.  You are only in your 20s which is just the beginning of your journey.  The best way to set your life’s foundation is when you are calm and not anxious.  It is hard to make wise decisions when you are anxious and rushed. 

Nobody started out, got rich, and became successful from day one.  It takes time and effort.  Start organizing your time and doing things one step at a time.  To begin with, I have a great video on how to start achieving your goals

Learn how to organize your financials

Learn how to control where your money goes.  Don’t just spend all the money you receive.  Create a tracker where you know how much money is spent every day. 

A great idea is to start implementing a budget where you are able to determine how much money should be spent and on what. 

This is an important skill to learn in your 20s. 

A person might face hardships later in their life because they aren’t able to maintain a budget and spend their money wisely.

When a person has a vision for their life and has goals set to be achieved, they can easily manage their financials. 

Read 📚

Reading is essential to learning.  When you get into the habit of reading from an early age, like in your 20s, you will excel in your life faster because of the knowledge.  Books contain other people’s successes and opinions on matters which can give you a shortcut. 

I have seen how so many people were able to transform their life by reading the 4-hour work week. 

What I do is I buy books and put them on my shelf.  Eventually, I will read them.  I always believe in faking it until you make it!

I have written a small eBook on changing your habits in 3 simple steps.  You can first read my blog post on changing your habits and if you need more detail the eBook gives a detailed example.   


These are the best things to start doing in your 20s to help you build a solid foundation for your future

If you haven’t already, I would recommend you start right now by reading my post on time management tips

So long…

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