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Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA Step by Step || Want to sell on Amazon?

Account Setup

To get started on Amazon FBA you need an account.  You can use your regular amazon account email that you use to buy from amazon.  The fee for a business account is 39.99/month, but unless you make sales you would probably get a refund.  I recommend setting up your account right away.  Head over to and click signup

***Links on this page may be affiliate links. This means that we get credit for anything that is purchased through the link. It doesn’t affect you at all. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases***

Amazon FBA

Click create a new Amazon account

sign in

Fill in the information needed and hit next

account info

A code will be sent to your email.  Enter the code from your email and hit continue.  You will see a page with information on what the application process will be like

What is next

Once you have read over what to expect, click on begin.  You will fill in all the information about you and your potential business.  It is ok to put individual for business type unless you have a business setup already

account info
account info

Once that is done you will have to set an appointment for Amazon to verify your identity.  It will be a video appointment where you show your ID cards.  Once that is done, you are ready to get rolling!

Product Research

This step can be a little complicated because it is easy to get stuck. Although, if you think about it as a learning experience since it is your first project it will feel a lot less stressful.  This is not going to be your million-dollar product, but it could… 😉

Information to be gathered when doing product research

How many reviews does the competition have? 

What is customer feedback like?  Hint…  check the 1-star reviews

The average price the product is selling for

There are three methods that I use to find potential products to sell

The category search method

Log out of your amazon account where you buy stuff.  Make sure no one is signed in and click on the search bar up top

category search

You will find a drop-down on the left side of the search bar with “all” as default.  Click on it and choose a category that interests you

category search

Enter the following into the search bar and click enter -bdkghsoigh.  It can be any string of characters with a leading –   

category search

You will get a random list of products in that category.  This is a great way to find products that might spike your interest.  I found this product to be interesting

category search

We can then search for this product in the search bar and see what the competition looks like

category search

I put a phrase from the title of the product I chose into the search bar.  These phrases are called keywords.  Keywords are important for your product to have so your product shows up in the search when a customer types the keyword in. 

Click on a couple of the products you found in the search that are like the ones you already chose.  Go down to the review section and look at the 1-star reviews

category search

Here is where you will find ways to improve the product based on the feedback from the customers.  For the posture correction product I chose, I found that most people complain about how uncomfortable it is.  So, I will make sure I fix this issue in my version of the product.  We will learn more about this when we get to the manufacturer step.

I personally like to use a notebook and create a table for the information I collect.  Amazon has nice notebooks   You can also use an Excel sheet


The search bar method

Log out of your account again if you are signed in and click on the search bar.  Think of a product idea that might interest you.  For example, Y2K outfits.  Start typing the first word into the search bar

search bar method

You will see some options pop up.  These are the options that people search for the most.  This means that we will find a product with a high search volume.  Click on the option that serves your interest

search bar method

As we did earlier, pick a couple of products like the product that interested you and look at the customer feedback.  Add your findings to your notebook or Excel sheet.  This method is one of my favorites because of how simple it is. 

The personal idea method

Think of something that you liked using or something that helped fix a problem that you had.  There are endless opportunities when it comes to this method.  All you must do is focus on yourself and think of the different products you use.  I personally love this method because I can create the best version of the product since I already used it.

This method is how I came up with my first product on Amazon.  In Sudan, women use sandalwood oil and other perfumes to create a body scrub.  This body scrub is used to prepare women for marriage.  Men who are getting married also use it.  So, I tried this scrub and it was amazing. The feeling and the smell just blew me away.  Now I have a sandalwood body scrub on Amazon.  You can check it out here

After you found a product idea, search for similar products in the search bar

personal idea

Click on a couple of products that have similar features to the one in your mind.  Go to the reviews section and click on the 1-star reviews.  Record the information in your notebook or excel sheet.  This is where I learned that people do not really like body scrubs that are too oily.

Once you are finished you should have something looking like this

personal idea

You could have more products on the list, but normally I like to narrow it down to 2 or 3.  By looking at the information above, the Y2K top stands out because it has the least number of reviews per product which means less competition.  So, most likely I am going to choose the Y2K top because I am just starting out. 

We have our potential product now, and it is about to get exciting!

Create a logo

Once we have a product chosen, it is easy to start shaping our brand.  This is always fun because you might end up being the next Apple or Nike one day…

Head over to this website and answer the questions about the product that you chose.  You can be specific or you can enter randomly.  This website will give you a brand name for your product which you will use to create your logo

Hit generate and a list of brand names will show up

create logo

Pick one you like and check domain availability here  Also, check trademark availability here

create logo
create logo

Register your domain name.  I recommend choosing a .com if it is available

create logo

Click on the Search our trademark database button

create logo

Click on the Basic Word Mark Search

create logo

Enter your brand name and click Submit Query

create logo

The safest brand name to use is when it shows a result like this

Now that we have our brand name, let’s create a logo.  I personally like Fiverr  Go on and search for a freelancer that creates logos, and send them an offer.  I recommend this creator  Have fun and create that logo!   


It is time to get serious!  Let’s head over to and search for a manufacturer for our product

Create an account or sign in if you already have one


You could search for the product you chose in the search bar and find manufacturers, but the way I like to do it is through an RFQ.  Basically, you fill out a form with your product specifics and manufacturers will contact you instead. 

An RFQ will look like this.  I recommend starting with 200 units of your product


As soon as you hit the invite button manufacturers will be notified and they will start contacting you.  You will want to get a sample from them.  So choose one or two and order a sample for your product.  Make sure they put your logo on it.  It will typically take 1 or 2 weeks.  After the sample arrives, you will want to try it out.  I recommend abusing it so that you can test its limits and quality. 

Once you have chosen a manufacturer, we are ready to place our first order!   First, let’s create a product listing for it. 

Product Listing

Login to your amazon seller central account  Head to the dropdown menu on the top left corner, click on inventory and select all inventory


Click on Add a product


Click on the circled option and it will lead you to the product information page.  Enter your product category.  For my Y2K product, I will be under the clothing category


In the following section, you will enter your brand name and a UPC barcode.  A barcode is needed to identify your product.  It is like an ID.  You can purchase a GS1 barcode here  Once you download the barcode from the website enter it


When you click continue, you will probably be stopped to verify your brand name.  This is why you order your samples with a logo. You will need a photo of your logo on the product that will be sold.  Verification typically takes 1 to 2 days. 

Once your logo is verified and ready to go, you can click continue

For the shipping information, you will get it when you place an order with your manufacturer


Once all the sections above are filled out, click finish and save.  Your product listing should show up on your inventory list.  Your supplier will need your Item labels.  This is the ID they will put on your product generated from your UPC barcode


Click on Edit on the right side of your product listing and select print item labels


Click on Print Item Labels and a file with the label will download.  It will look like the following


Place Order

Negotiate with the manufacturer on the cost of creating your product.  They will always give you a higher price so that you can negotiate down to a price that will satisfy both sides. 

Send them your item labels.  The manufacturer will provide packaging with a basic design.  I recommend going with the default packaging for your first order.

Your order will probably take a month or two to be created.

After placing the order, you want to ask the manufacturer to provide the following as soon as they complete your product

Unit weight and dimensions

Container count and weight – the container is the box that the units will be shipped to Amazon in

This information is needed to create a shipping plan. 

Shipping plan

Head back to the inventory page and click on Edit from the right side of your product listing

shipping plan

Click on Send Inventory

shipping plan

Click on the drop-down “Individual units” and select create new.  Use the information provided by the manufacturer above to fill out the following form and hit save

shipping plan

Enter the # of containers/boxes and click ready to send

shipping plan

Click confirm and continue.  Enter the estimated shipping date as well as the shipping mode.  Mostly the case will be small parcel delivery unless your shipment is a truckload

shipping plan

Enter the shipper’s information and click accept and continue

shipping plan

The following page will contain shipping labels for the containers/boxes that will contain your products.  Click print to download them and send them to the manufacturer

shipping plan

Once the manufacturer ships your product, they will send you the tracking #.  Enter the tracking # to complete the shipment plan.   

shipping plan

Set up an eye-catching listing design

Head over to Fiverr and find a creator to take photos of your product.  Add them to the images section of your product listing.  Here is a great creator for your product images

If you are into taking your own pictures, Amazon has some great camera options here


Amazon’s way to advertise is through PPC.  Pay Per Click advertising is good, but it is not for every product.  So, try it out to see if it works for you.  Give it a week or two trial, and if it generates good sales, keep it.  Here is where to get started with it  And here is a great resource to guide you

To conclude

If you found this helpful, please share so that everyone can benefit as well…

Come back and share your experience with us… Send us an email and tell us all about it

Now go out there and start selling!!   

So long…

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