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3 Easy steps to replace your bad habits


Did you know our brain is a superpower that is not completely discovered yet?  Using this superpower we can change our bad habits and create great things in our life.  The problem is do we know how to access and use our brains? 

Our brain is automatically processing information all the time, and using the power of awareness we are going to access and change our habits!

Awareness is actually being in a state of focus.  For example, sometimes when someone is calling on you it might take a couple of times until you realize it even though you heard their voice.  And no, I don’t mean those times when you were ignoring that someone. 

The moment when you focused and replied to that someone is when you became aware. 

I am going to use lying as an example for clarity…


Bring the habit that you are struggling to lose into your focus.  I am going to tell my brain that I am not going to lie anymore.  It is all about awareness!

My brain is now going to take that statement and process it.  You might have heard this statement before, but basically, your brain trusts whatever you say!


We always set an alarm to wake us up in the morning if we have something important going on at a certain time. 

I am going to do a similar thing here with my lying habit.  I will set a goal for when I will be completely cured of my bad habit of lying.  My brain will now know that there should be no more lying before the end of the year. 

 Again, it is all about focus and awareness!


I have my bad habit identified and my bio alarm is set.  Now it is action time!

I didn’t lie when I said the brain is a superpower.  Every time from now on, whenever I am in a situation where I am about to tell a lie my brain will set off an alarm. 

I will be pulled into focus by my brain that I am about to lie.  It is as if my brain is like “Hey!  Watch it!  You are about to lie.  Do you still want to do this?  I thought you said no more, right?”

Now that I am able to catch myself right before a lie every time, I can change it and tell the truth instead. 

Before I know it, I will be telling the truth automatically.  It is like magic!


This is a method from experience and I hope everyone can benefit from it as well. 

I have a short e-book where I go into more detail and give an example of this method of changing a bad habit.  You can find it here.

Before you leave make sure to get these three action methods…

  1. Think of a bad habit you want to get rid of
  2. Read more about awareness and how to be more focused
  3. Leave a comment below and share your thoughts!  I would love to read them

Have any questions or concerns head over to my contact page and send me an email!    

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