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What is holding you back?

compare yourself to others ?  do it the right way!

Who am I and who are you ? Do I look like you ? So why compare and face despair ?  Because we like to conform and live the norm.  Do you compare yourself to others ? 

compare yourself to others ?

This issue has become much more serious ever since the internet has emerged and evolved.  Comparing ourselves to others is much more easier when we can meet everyone and get into their lives on the internet platform.  

It used to be narrowed down to your village and the school you went to.  Which is just as bad if you ask me.  Usually comparisons are bad and lead to failure and depression.  Sadly comparing ourselves to others has been built into us from a young age. 

Why are you not like your brother or sister ?  Is so and so better than you ?  Why did they get a better grade than you ?  Imagine which university you would have gotten into if you were like so and so ?  Why are you the only one with a degree and no job ?  

Always in a comparison trap

If this is all we faced, then of course we are going to compare ourselves to others in every aspect of our lives.  BUT is this comparison really the best way to measure our success or progress ?  

No!  Here are two insights to get you out of this caparison trap 

You are not behind 

It all comes down to you.  Is there anyone who is exactly like you ?  Lived your life and went through your experiences ?  I don’t think so.  

It is up to you!

If that is the case, then why would it be a good idea to compare yourself to others ?  

Think about this, when it comes to a true comparison, all aspects of your life have to be counted for.  And usually this comparison can’t be done.  Why ?  

Success and failure are determined after life is completed.  Someone becomes a millionaire at 21 and you don’t until you’re 30.  It might seem like you are late, but maybe that someone dies at 40 and you live until you are 60.  

Everyone is on their own timeline.  Does anyone know when they will die ?  No.  It is impossible to know if you are behind or not.  

compare yourself to others ?

This concept should be drilled in your head and taken as motivation to continue working hard because your success is unique.  

Advice is subjective 

Advice is important and especially from people who have experienced what you are trying to do.  BUT in the end that advice is only based on that person’s experiences.  Don’t let this limit your experiences.  

Advice that may have not worked in a good way for the adviser doesn’t mean it won’t work for you.  If something works for you, don’t stop just because someone said it doesn’t work.  Do your own research and experimentation.  


This brings us back to my previous post on why we should’t rely on others for our own decision making.    

Before you go

Everyone has a unique life to live full of lessons and learning curves.  We shouldn’t be discouraged by what we see others doing. 

This takes strong determination and self confidence. You can gain more confidence by starting with the 4 actions I share in my YouTube video about making your own decisions

So long…   

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