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Top 4 money-making mindsets | Want to develop a successful mindset?

Meet the KoKo

The Koko bird 🐦 success story is one of the most interesting I have ever read.
The female Koko is not interested at all in a long-term relationship. She only stays for the night and then finds someone else. Once she is ready to lay her egg 🥚 she goes and searches for a certain type of bird and lays her egg 🥚 in their nest. Not only that, but she also throws away one of their eggs so it doesn’t affect the count. She is successful in tricking the poor birds.

When it comes time for the eggs to hatch, the KoKo baby hatches first. When no one is looking, it takes the rest of the eggs and tosses them out of the nest. The parents think it was the wind or some animal trying to steal their eggs and are happy that baby Koko survived. So, they feed baby Koko and baby Koko grows into a huge KoKo bird. The first thing the criminal KoKo does before leaving is kill his forced adoptive parents. Now he is worthy and ready to spend the night with another female KoKo bird 🐦.

Now, that is some dedication and willingness to succeed…

The 4 success and money-making mindsets:

Catch the opportunity

Opportunities are endless. There will always be an opportunity out there. You got to believe in it and live it. Never lose faith never and think that you are too late. An opportunity is waiting right around the corner.
Time is a huge opportunity especially when you are young. Time is a huge opportunity because if used wisely it will generate numerous opportunities. For example, learn a skill or get a degree. Successful people always take advantage of their opportunities so how can we do the same? …

Say I can

Opportunities will keep knocking on the door, it’s up to you how to respond. Successful people will always say yes, I can do it or yes, I will find a way to do it, but never will they say no, I can’t.
Before you say no I can’t, ask if there is a way to make it work.
If you are planning on starting a YouTube channel but you are afraid to show your face, is there a way to make it work?
Have that conversation with yourself and start convincing yourself more rather than backing out too quickly all the time.
Once we learn to convince ourselves we are ready to get risky…

Take a risk

This is where the magic 🎩 starts. Taking a risk is jumping into the unknown. Doing something you have never done before.
Successful people take risks and it is what makes them grow. You learn more about yourself and your limits when you take a risk. Taking a risk can show you your abilities and how flexible you may be. If you are afraid to show your face on YouTube, you might come to figure out that it isn’t as scary once you risk it.

If a risk doesn’t scare you, it is not big enough…

How will we deal with the opportunity for which we agreed to take a risk?

Promise to commit

Commitment is dedication and willingness to get it done. A successful person is ready to commit to every choice and opportunity he/she decides to take.
If an obstacle occurs, a committed person will learn from it and excel even more toward his/her goal. A person not committed will just say I knew it wasn’t going to work and give up.


If you are ready to commit and take the opportunity, hit the risk button and start your new adventure!

Start by checking out my youtube video on creating daily goals here

Join Life’s backenders here

So long…

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